Sleep and Metabolism Study Needs Volunteers


Boston MA

22 March, 2022

11:09 AM


The Division of Sleep and Circadian Disorders at Brigham & Women’s Hospital is seeking healthy volunteers ages 20-40 to participate in a research study. You must be a non-smoker and not on any medications (other than birth control). You will complete 1 in-person and 3 remote screening visits and must keep a regular sleep schedule for 2 weeks. If eligible, you will live 33 consecutive days and nights in a private room in our clinical research center. We want to learn more about how insufficient sleep night after night impacts metabolism, and how exposure to artificial light at night plays a role. Receive up to $9,225. If you would like to be screened for participation, please follow the link below and fill out our pre-screening survey: For more information, call 617-525-8838, e-mail us at or visit

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