How to balance YOUR Pregnancy & Relationship - Madison


Virtual via Zoom,Madison WI 53558

28 February, 2022


How to balance Pregnancy & Relationship? A 5-Day Workshop on rebuilding Friendship & Forgiveness with your mate This workshop will be held Live on Zoom GIVE ME 5 DAYS AND I Guarantee I’LL GIVE YOU A Double WIN!!(Pregnancy & Relationship) I invite you to join me with an open mind for just 5-Days, on a journey of connection, creation, and growth. THIS IS WAY MORE IMPORTANT THAN ANY OTHER PREGNANCY CLASS, EVENT, OR TRAINING OUT THERE. You can still enjoy your pregnancy with your partner, (even after the hurt, heartache, and headaches you have already endured), be a better YOU, and show up for your mate without recurring the past, ALL… while being pregnant! Join me Deniece-Camille, in offering a seed investment in your pregnancy, YOUR relationship, and most importantly… YOU, YOURSELF!! When you are truly united, you don't have to suppress your feelings and emotions anymore. Yet, without the missing piece… none of it matters. I want to show you how to strengthen your mindset & control your emotions, so that you can see that that is where the magic happens! This 5-Day Workshop is catered to anyone who is pregnant, in a relationship or situationship with someone that is pregnant, a support team member (Doulas are welcome, as well as Parents of those expecting) searching for a silver lining within the relationship. We all know that being pregnant brings on many thoughts, feelings, and suppressed emotions that most are not ready, or unwilling to address. In our 5-Day Workshop together, I will discuss through community, connection, and care the dynamics of being pregnant with relationship wounds. The fact that this 5-Day Workshop is FREE is pretty AMAZING! Yet, I am on a mission to assist other pregnant couples on how to step into their own truth, so they can create a healthy environment for themselves, their shared love(baby), while also giving back to the world. GET YOURSELF ready to create a positive emotional wave in your relationship?Get signed up and check your email for details! I can't wait to see you. There's a couple things you want to do, to make sure you get the most out of this: 1. Get ready to shift your thoughts 2. Challenge yourself for change 3. Be prepared - I don’t hold anything back! 4. YOU should not either! OH… before I forget…Come prepared to WIN!!!! (I got you to smile already) Here's a quick sneak peek of what's to come! Day One: Your Relationship With Yourself - Belief Your relationship with yourself is paramount! You are a creation all by yourself. You came into this world as an original. You are the foundation. Everything you create is a reflection of yourself. You are literally the main player in this game, called life. In order to create a healthy pregnancy & relationship, YOU have to not only believe it's possible, yet, also believe your partner is ready to create the same thing, they are just waiting to sign up with you. Day Two: What Sparks Your Movement? -Identity What does it take to create and/or co-create with your mate? What are you willing to Dive-In with your mate with? Your offer must be something you feel energetically aligned with. What would you love to communicate to accomplish with your mate, if finances were not an issue? (Newsflash…you can never be financially ‘set’ when having a baby).. You can financially PLAN)) Too often I see couples lose interest based on societal discrepancies. Nonsense!The best way to become prosperous (in YOUR relationship) is to be your authentic self. Day Three: Your Ideal Pregnancy-Results I want you to get to know what your ideal pregnancy, and healthy relationship looks like (on an intimate level). The more I know you, the more I can assist in my expertise of experience. The beauty of being aligned with knowing your ideal pregnancy is that I get to work ONLY with couples that I align to work with. Today, I'll get total clarity on who that is and then I'll start speaking with you specifically surrounding your challenges Stay Tuned for More…

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