Looking for creative, new, fun, & orig band!


Belleville WI


Real, serious, and fun musician/artists to explore what we can do together Personally I think the world needs music to dance to - to let go - let loose - and if we can do that on stage and let other’s express (the crowd) that I think we could enrich a lot of people’s lives and have fun while playing awesome music Some of influences include Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Wye Oak, Brazilian Girls, Sigur Rós (Gobbdilegook) - The German Art Students, The Smashin• Pumpks, James Brown, Natty Nation, The Hives, Danit, Tame Impala, Ley Line, PHOX, Beastie Boys, DMB, BMW, Death Cab4C - The Shins, Flaming Lips, Björk, Bell & See, ect……… Here are somethings I’ve worked on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTX4Q99knKk&t=39s https://open.spotify.com/album/7sagnVnSrHQDg2KQVpJPTv?si=QcOXVbeWRG2-XNrmE9Jnlw & mi playing along to some of my faves: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phkHdULj0_Y Please send me your songs and or live vids.

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