How to Deal with Difficult People


917 Vilas Avenue, Madison WI

17 February, 2022


Just like rain on a gloomy day, it can be hard to avoid dealing with difficult people. It might be a co-worker, customer, friend, or family member. They may be expected or take you by surprise. In all cases, the situation can get very uncomfortable. So, how do you keep your cool and manage the interaction to a mutually satisfactory conclusion? There are five proven steps you can take to calm yourself, the customer, and the situation. Isn’t it time you took control? Join us for this FREE virtual highly experiential 3-hour learning event with Deborah Laurel. As a trainer and management consultant for over thirty years, Deb has dealt with her share of difficult people and survived to tell the tale! All her workshops build skills you can use immediately. Her energy and sense of humor, along with her practical tips and recommendations, ensure that your learning experience will be comfortable, useful, and enjoyable. Free Tickets available at

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