Creativity Unleashed: A Painting and Dining Experience with Nicole Holstein


728 East Brady Street,Milwaukee WI 53202

08 February, 2022


Go to the website to sign up. Create your masterpiece with step by step instructions for the featured painting, you can buy food & drinks! Put on an apron, order some food and drinks, and be ready to enjoy the night out! A brush stroke here, a sip and a nibble there, and bam! With my instructions and your creativity, we’ve transformed your canvas into your own unique masterpiece! Each session is about two hours, including breaks and time to eat. Please arrive 15 minutes before class starts so you have time to park, settle in, and explore the food and drink menu. A minimum of one beverage or food item is encouraged, and an 18% gratuity will be added your bill. Feel free to arrive earlier or stay later if you’d like to eat and drink before or after the class. I look forward to painting with you!

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