The 21 Point Meditation Class with Master Shane


1026 9th St.,Green Bay WI 54304

07 February, 2022


This is a great class for everyone to come as they are, in peace, and receive from source inside themselves. This class is for those who realize that just gathering information outside of themselves is not the answer. This is for those open and willing to journey inside to become the answer in life. Experience stress relief, pain release, and a deeper part of your being. Shed away the old layers and allow life to live now. Learn the true art of meditation in which life is. Sit with a living master and receive that which you need to receive. Stop looking outside yourself and realize that the answer is within. A book can only take you so far as at one point, we all must journey within. Sign up for this transformational experience and know more of your potential. Master Shane is the only certified master teacher of Aguas Buenas Botanicas Bodhi Yuj besides grandmaster himself. He is also the teachings keeper and has been personally training with grandmaster for over 5 years now. He goes into meditation and prayer at least 5 times every day and continues to devote and build his spiritual practice and connection with the source of all. 

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