Become a Foster Parent


1661 E Buckeye Ave near N Pittsburgh St, Spokane WA


You are invited to attend our virtual informational meeting on February 16th, either at noon or 6:00PM, whichever is convenient for you. We are a private agency that places children requiring Behavioral or Theraputic Services. All services, medical care and dental care are fully covered for the child. You will receive a generous monthly financial compensation, regular staff support to help you foster, free trainings, foster parent meetings, case management support and monthly respite. If you prefer to only provide respite care, we can help get you licensed for that as well. Must be age 21+ to apply, and willing to have a background check for all people 16 and over in the household. Respond back to me with your email so I can send you a link to the virtual informational zoom meeting on the 16th.

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