Awaken Your Senses - Spiritual Intuition


5555 North Lamar Boulevard,Austin TX 78751

12 February, 2022


Develop your connection to all 10 of your senses! Build your intuition. Increase awareness. Did you know that everyone has spiritual senses? You may call it intuition, or psychic abilities, but we were all born with both physical and spiritual senses. In this fun and practical workshop, we will practice multiple exercises that you can use at home to cultivate and develop your spiritual gifts so that they never go to waste! Accessing Your Senses Has Practical Benefits! Strengthen your intuitionGreater self-confidenceIncreased spiritual awarenessDevelop a whole range of psychic abilitiesGet to know yourself The more we develop our senses, the greater our awareness and connection to life. We gain a greater ability to understand who we are through our senses (skills, gifts, god, reality). We begin to interact with our environment more consciously and live life with greater presence. THE EXPERIENCE This class is not just Mind Candy! You will get to have a real experience working with the energies that we are discussing. Christine will lead you through each exercise in class to so that you know how to do them at home. You will also receive a manual with all the exercises we cover. Christine will lead you through each exercise so that you can use them to continue to develop your senses, strengthen them and build your awareness in a safe and comfortable way with daily at home practices and techniques. With practice, you can develop all of your spiritual senses and have a richer experience of life. Come dressed in comfortable clothes, bring a notebook/paper and pen/pencil to take notes on your experience. You will receive a hand-out with instructions on the exercises which we practice in class, so you can continue doing them on your own at home! EVENT DETAILS When: Saturday Feb 12, 2022 at 1pmWhere: The Modern Mystery School TexasCost: $50 Teacher's Bio: Christine Estrema is a biomedical researcher, Ritual Master and Guide in the Lineage of King Salomon. Christine studied pediatric cardiology and immuno-oncology for 15 years including assisting with open heart surgery. Despite her love of science and technology, she always felt that something was missing from her research. She found the Modern Mystery School in 2016 in search of healing from chronic pain and began a journey that inspired her to study Metaphysics, Alchemy, Hermetics and Kabbalah. After applying these ancient tools and teachings to her daily life, Christine was able to heal herself. In addition, she learned she had a love for helping others on their journey's of self discovery, joy and empowerment. Christine has trained as a Teacher, Healer, Guide and Ritual Master with the Modern Mystery School. She uses her unique experiences, education and heart to serve her community with teaching, healing and helping people from all walks of life. Christine Estrema M.S. Certified Life Activation Practitioner and Healer in the Lineage of King Salomon 15+ years research experience in the fields of Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Research and Immuno-oncology. SPECIALTIES include Life Activation, Hermetic Rebalancing, Hermetic Astrology, Baby Blessing, Sacred Geometry and so much more... Learn more at Join our facebook group Burn Brightly Life Austin Follow us on instagram @burnbrightlylife

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