Free Trip to Las Vegas


Parmer ln, Austin TX

11 February, 2022


Hello, So my boyfriend and I and one other guy friend are going to Las vegas February 11-14 We are trying to find a girl that can join us to basically give some company to my friend during the trip. We are good people just trying to have some fun. If you are a gun girl that likes to have fun get in touch with me we can meet in person before anything. The flight tickets, hotel, food & drinks will be on us. So the plan is this. You and I (I’m a girl) will leave from Austin together to Las Vegas and meet them there bcus they are leaving before us for a business thing. You and I will be staying in same hotel but in our own room. We will meet during the day to walk around go eat & drink ( that’s on us $ individually while the guys are not around) and when the guys are done with work we will meet them and have more fun go eat more and drink and clubbing( they will take care $$) and basically just have fun! Basically I’m looking for a girl partner to join me on my trip and also be company to my friend (really nice, respectful guy) while we are with them. Few things I do ask for. You must be a female. You must be between 21- 30 years old (I’m You must be able to travel. You must like to have fun but not too crazy. Must not have criminal record. You should be average or above good looking. If interested let me know and let’s meet !

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