Pet Loss & Grief: Find HOPE, Healing and Reconnection - Tacoma


Virtual via Zoom,Tacoma WA 98402

04 February, 2022


Learn critical tools to help you find comfort and take steps to reclaim your life after pet loss, in a safe, nurturing space. Hello Dear One, Has your world just been turned upside down from this gut wrenching loss? Are you having trouble sleeping, eating, facing the world? Do you feel isolated and like "no one gets it"? Do you feel lonely without your companion animal and long for connection with others...but feel conflicted about it? Perhaps you are afraid of having the "dreaded conversation" socially...having to relive the details of their passing and worrying that your friends and family won't understand the extent of your grief. Then there's the guilt, shame and the critical voice in your head that tells you how you were the worst pet parent ever and you should have known or you should have handled things differently... Well, I am here to tell you that YOU are NOT alone and that what you are experiencing is very, very normal. Losing your heart animal is profoundly painful...more's devastating. This 4 day workshop will teach you critical tools to help you navigate this grief! WE WILL COVER: - The basics of everything grief related. Especially WHY PET LOSS CAN FEEL MORE PAINFUL than other types of loss. - The difference between grief and mourning. - The importance of ritual: how to honor your beloved and connect with them. - Grief Dosing: Why it's actually okay to allow yourself some time away from the grief. - How to honor your own boundaries during this fragile time and prepare yourself for social conversations. - The grief timeline: "How long will I feel this terrible?" - Grief bursts: "Why do I seem fine one day, then I suddenly burst into tears the next?" - What you can do to take steps forward to reclaim your life and find hope and joy again. I am so excited to meet you and learn about your Soul Child, and your unique grief journey! This 4 day event will be hosted on ZOOM. Expect to receive event details closer to the event date. ABOUT ME: I am Cara DeLaRosa - Pet Loss Grief Coach. I lost my heart animal in 2010. Her passing was the great catalyst for the work I do today...I empower bereaved pet parents to transform their grief into joy through a multi-disciplinary and spiritual approach. There's so much I have to share with you! See you soon! Hello Dear Ones, I am Cara DeLaRosa - Certified Pet Loss Grief Coach, Reiki Master & intuitive channel with a strong lineage in the field off death, dying and grief ... my Godmother is Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, who was best known for developing the "5 Stages of Grief" theory. My passion is to support YOU though the grieving and active mourning process, which creates long lasting individual healing. I believe in honoring your story, the life and death, of each unique fur baby and I look forward to learning about your special beloved. My coaching is multifaceted and pulls from a variety of modalities. I believe that working on our own self development, awareness and spirituality creates the foundation for finding joy in life. I offer my open heart to you, in service of this powerful, important and much needed work. I offer workshops, one-on-one coaching and more.

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