Headwaters Bird Walk


4503 Broadway (NEAR),San Antonio TX 78209

01 February, 2022


Bird Walk with Sherie Gee and Cappy Bird Anyone fascinated by the sights and sounds of birds is welcome. Join Sherie Gee and Cappy Bird, two of our birding specialists, for a leisurely walk through the Headwaters Sanctuary. This is a great opportunity for beginning or intermediate birders to develop and improve their identification skills. Please wear closed-toe shoes. Binoculars will be available for the session. The walk is limited to 14. Registration is required. Free Admission - Donations Welcomed Registration opens on January 23, 2022. Our 53-acre nature sanctuary is home to the Blue Hole, the source spring of the San Antonio River. We are a nonprofit Earth care ministry of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word. Headwaters at Incarnate Word is restoring our urban landscape through the removal of invasive plants and propagation of native species in an effort to increase biodiversity and benefit local wildlife. We offer educational programs for adults and children that focus on nature, local history, and conservation of our shared natural and cultural resources. Finally, we provide a sanctuary where people are encouraged to reflect and find meaning in their connection with the Earth, themselves, and each other.

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