
Fredericksburg VA


Mr Trump I hope some shape form or another this gets to you. We the American people. We fired you he was never a great president you only sucked up to dictators and losers. And your followers are nothing but sad hateful pathetic losers unpatriotic and un-American. Today being January 6th I've had a year to think about what happened last January 6th. And we the American people are happy that we fired you you showed your true colors. You sent out for your family or your coup of idiots about 50 emails a day to people wanting money. That's all you thought about America is how you was going to make more money. You've raped women you're harassed women you spent years at Epstein's Island. Probably harassing young kids. You had idiots follow you and believe in you and think you're the next Jesus and it swelled your head. You're a pathetic and at the last January 6th. You should have walked away and disappeared anything and everything you touch or do ends in a disaster. I did not care for you before you came president I never liked you. 44 years earlier but in 2016 you won the election if it was stolen or not that's for debate. Because of Russia of course. A cynical and dangerous lie but I was like you know what he won he's the president and let it be. But then you lied to the American people on day one. Saying you had the biggest inauguration ever you've done this you've done that you and you alone can do anything you and you alone can run this country. Democracy one but you ran this country to a disaster yes our economy was doing good but that's because it started under Obama and Biden getting economy going you can lie to your idiot followers an idiot believers but you do not lie to the American people the true American people. He was nothing but a disgrace a laughing stock around the world. You're pathetic and I am sorry to say that I live in America after a disgusting two-bit on presidential way you ran this country. I am so proud to have a great president that's trying to really work for ALL AMERICANS. Not just the radical idiot loser Republican communist traitors to our country. You Mr Trump is a sad excuse for your existence and I hope and I pray that you will finally do one thing right. And that is walk away don't put your nose in other people's business don't put you two cents endorsing idiots because they done good for you. True Americans we'll see right through it you're going to hurt your party you going to hurt your legacy and you going to hurt America. So please go away disappear no one wants to hear you no one cares about you. For those of you joining us I hope the best for you in life but I never ever want you or anything to do with our country no more cuz you're an a sad excuse for what a former president is in will always be the WORST PRESIDENT WE'VE EVER HAD I hope this gets to you and I hope you read this carefully and understand I'm not alone true America spoke it's true America never want to see you AGAIN

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