Free - Kids Get 50 books - Instant Home Library! Age 2-8 (see details)


660 East Grove Street,Reno NV 89502

29 June, 2021


Kids browse 1000+ books from the 25¢ tables at the Super Safe Outside Sale, and keep 50 books that they like! (99¢ tables NOT included.) Local kids age 2-8 get to pick 50 favorite books to take home. Tickets required.The 25¢ books are in the Outside Sale on the west side of our building. Specifically, these are in the back, and the tables have price signs.Kids with fewer than 50 books that they like at home may select up to 50 free books.Kids who already have 50 to 200 books at home may select up to 20 free books. Kids who have 200+ books at home may select 5 free books.Limit: after the first three times, not more often than every 3 months.Come anytime on the day you have a ticket, weather permitting. We would prefer that everyone who has some flexibility to come in the morning or after 3pm, so there will be parking for everyone. (If it's sprinkling off and on, come anyway. You can get books from under the plastic table covers.)If the weather doesn't cooperate on the day you have a ticket, sign up for another day.This is on the honor system. We trust you. New: everyone who accompanies a kid with a ticket also gets to select one free book from the Outside Sale. FAQsShould I bring my unwanted books? First, try to give kids books to people you know. You're on our team to get kids books circulating. Otherwise, feel free to donate to help us do more giveaways. For donations, we accept books, audiobooks, DVDs, CDs, vinyl records, comic books, board games, puzzles, console games, and more. May I come without kids? It's for a really good reason. No, sorry. We hope the kids in your life can come sometime soon, if not this time. We plan to do this every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday through September, weather permitting. How can you do this? It must be so expensive! We are grateful to our community for donations, and we are excited to give back. We couldn't do it without you!You may buy pallet-sized boxes of used kids books for $250 each and do this in your neighborhood too! Brought to you by Grassroots Books and made possible because gives us a great deal on pallets of used kids books.Will you do more of these? Yes. We're planning to do this every week, weather permitting. BACKGROUNDGrassroots Books is on a mission to increase literacy, empathy, competence, and confidence by making sure that all kids within 50 miles have a home library of at least 50 books they like. According to a study led by Mariah Evans, UNR associate professor: home libraries help kids succeed. We see it every day! Kids who read for pleasure are good writers. Over time, we believe this investment in local kids will dramatically reduce poverty. That Amazing Bookstore

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