
11441 N I35, Austin TX


My Pomeranian Tito was lost May 25 around 12am in the morning. He was picked up in my apartment complex and taken to QuikTrip at Braker and I35. Tito was given to a woman in a small dark sports like car by a guy who picked up Tito. She was told that he had just found Tito and that he was sick and needed special care...Both know the dog was lost but neither posted a found ad... Tito is 15yrs old, chipped and walks with a limp from 2 breaks in his left leg. When I had him last I was treating for an severe ear infection. Please help me bring my little man home. If you have my baby or if you know of someone who recently got a sick dog, a month or so ago...a Vet...a friend. Please please contact me. We love and miss you Tito ❤ 💋 ❤ 💋 ❤ 💋

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