beautiful Bengal kittens are available


Pueblo CO


2 beautiful Bengal kittens are available. They are 12 weeks old. Each has been vaccinated and litter box trained. text me all info. Buddy, a nine year old golden retriever, was last seen around 630 AM on June 16th on South Third St in Jacksonville. Somewhere between then and 4pm he escaped from the backyard. He's light gold, has a maroon bandana, and a collar with trees on it. He's sweet, but shy so he may avoid interaction. If you have any info on his whereabouts, please inform me immediately. Thank you very much. Found a wallet on Wednesday, June 16, around 8:15pm in downtown Santa Cruz near the corner of Pacific Ave and Lincoln St. It has an ID inside, let me know the name and describe the wallet and we'll connect. Person's ID shows Aptos, CA. Lost Canon 5D with 50mm lens. It's an old camera but I fixed it up so it works. I'd really like to have it back. I've reported it stolen with its serial number because it was there one minute and gone the next. I appreciate any help. My 1 year old pitbull mix got out yesterday and we have looking since trying to find him. My family is devastated. Please help me find my baby boy. He is brindle with some white on him. His name is tiger. Hello, if you have seen our cat Finnegan, could you please let us know? He is a male orange tabby with one eye. He has been missing since the morning of June 15. We live on Summerhill Road, which is off of Outingdale Road in Somerset. Thank you!

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