Anyone looking for fuuuuuun...............................laredo


Laredo TX


27 Y/O female, Could use a drink & funny Anyone......!!!! ignore down Community-wide Garage Sale this weekend! Friday, June 18, 12:00-4:00 and Saturday, June 19, 9:00-2:00 Look for ours at 859 Eveningsong Dr., 80104. We will have a lot of kids’ toys and home items ready to sell. Garage/yard sale Friday 6/18—Sunday 6/20 from 8am to 2pm. We have so many items for you to see. Everything from Craftsman toolboxes and drill presses to housewares and furniture. Come on by and take a look. 8546 Silver Birch Blvd Frederick, Colorado. Yard sale - Saturday, June 19th, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 10476 Pearl Street, Northglenn, Colorado Clean furniture, tv stands, 2 tvs, bedroom set, kitchen table, other wood cabinet boxes. Outdoor glass table, lawn mower, edger, weed wacker, sleeping bag, heavy duty work bags and ladder. Friday 6/18 Thru Sunday 6/20 8am—2pm A little bit of everything from kitchen gadgets, cooking utensils and furniture items to tools, Duracraft bench drill press and 10 in table saw and Craftsman tool chests. Way too much merchandise to list. Come take a look! Lot of Hand tools, drills, I have a 75 gallon fish tank in excellent condition that comes everything !!! Hardwood stand, eheim cannister filter, eheim heater, Optima air pump, gravel, limestone hole rock, all the cleaning tools, chemicals, food, books. The tank was resealed in 2016. Gravel has been removed and is in buckets, tank is heavy but can be moved with two people, same with stand. Whether you are experienced with fish or just starting out, this is a great tank with top filtration equipment. I had fish that lived 15-20 years doing one tank cleaning/water change a month and was able to maintain steady water conditions obviously as evidence by the fish living that long. Im in South Austin near South Lamar and Barton Skyway. You will have to come and pick up. $400

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