Permanently Transform Your Relationship with Food - Weight Loss Birmingham


Virtual Via Zoom,Birmingham AL 35005

29 June, 2021


Permanently Transform Your Eating Habits and Rewire Your Relationship with Food The Four Devastating Things That Derail Us On Our Diet and Do you want to know the real reasons why we don’t lose weight sometimes? Why it feels like we are a hamster on a treadmill never losing a pound, or gaining it back quickly? Or even better, like me, I couldn’t get motivated enough and I was in too much pain to even use a treadmill. There’s good news. Sometimes our emotional habits are what is getting in the way. All we need to do a little re-wiring, to help us get over the hurdle to start losing weight. This doesn’t have to be complicated. It feels like with diet plans out there, counting calories and restricting to foods, it can just be overwhelming enough to give up, and you don’t have to. Rewiring your emotional eating habits doesn’t have to take a lot of time, but it is important, and I can assure you that once these new habits are in place, you will feel relieved that you are not a hamster on a treadmill and that you are heading in the direction of weight loss. Weight loss that is for good, that is lasting and that is healthy. I want you to be healthy, it is important to me. I don’t want to see you try to take another diet plan or try to stay on some confusing plan where you are over buying ingredients for recipes that you will only make once. This should be simple. This should be easy, but we have to start by permanently transforming our relationship with food. Any habits that we have, binge eating, hiding what we eat, eating too late, snacking and grazing all day, overeating until we feel overstuffed, and just plain lack of motivation can be cured with some good mindset help, and some good direction. Once we have that, we can stop focusing on what isn’t working and make some progress to losing weight and being 100%. Let’s face it, when we feel healthy, we look and feel better, our skin glows and we are happier. When we are not feeling healthy, we may feel groggy, or like a rain cloud is hovering over us. Sometimes our stomach is upset, and we just don’t want to be bothered (Let me just watch TV emoji here.) Trust me, I have been there. Don’t let these feelings take over. Do something about it today and prepare for this presentation with an open mind to help you reset, rewire and transform your eating habits for good.

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