Indie/Alt rock band trying someting different


Boston MA


Have you always wanted to play in a rock band, but find yourself just strumming your guitar at home? Are you someone who would you love to be in the limelight, but are a bit to shy to go on stage? Have you always hated the long practices sessions, in some undersized,overpriced practice space? How about having to dragging your heavy gear from show to show, just for drink tokens? Well, this may be for you!! Portland, Oregon based indie/alt rock band ‘echocheck’ is seeking someone “just like you”! We started an exciting new project, and we are taking all the scary parts of playing in a band away. ‘echocheck’ started as a 4 piece indie/alt rock band in 2019 and was very successful at what we did. Once covid hit and venues started closing down, a few of our members left to do their own projects. Those who remain, have realized that creating the music and putting it out to the world was the fun part, so that is what we are going to do. ‘echocheck’ is moving to become a studio-based rock band, and that studio is wherever you decide to make it! We will do this by having each member creates their own part and electronically sends it to the next member, who then, adds their own part, and so on! Music will be created, songs will be uploaded to various internet platforms, and albums will be made, and since it all done with electronic files you can do it from your own cozy spot at home. Maybe your guitarist calls Fargo home. Your drummer lives in the Pacific Northwest and your vocalist hails from Miami! That’s the beauty of the world wide web! No hot practice spaces, no lugging gear around! Sound interesting? Give me a reply and let me know what you do, and I will fill you in on more. We are currently looking for a lead guitarist, a rhythm guitarist and a vocalist. Your look doesn’t matter, your stage presence isn’t important, just your abilities and your eagerness to create. We encourage all to apply. Male, female, pretty, ugly, it makes no difference, we welcome all! Email or text me and we can chat! You can find out more about echocheck at or by searching Instagram for echocheck You can also hear our debut ep at We look forward to hearing from you.

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