Looking for beginner & intermediate musicians


960 Massachusetts Ave, Boston MA


Ever wish you could jam with other musicians but weren't sure how to get started or if you were "good enough" yet? Come join us. We are a group of musicians of various skill levels and ages looking to develop, or improve upon, our ability to play with others in a band. How it works: we have a google sheet where we add songs to a setlist and we all signup for parts we are interested in playing. As a song fills out with all the parts being claimed we add it to the practice list. At the moment we have 6 members with some overlap on Drums and Keyboard. We work through the overlap by rotating people on one song or by planning practice to have different performers on different songs. Current songs include some classic rock, grunge, and modern rock...but are open to any style if we can get people filling out the various parts. Our goal is to meet up every few weeks at The Record Company to play through the songs. No gigs in the current plans, just looking to have fun, meet other musicians and collectively get better. If this sounds like something you are interested in I'd love to hear from you.

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