This Support group and Training will be Sponsored by Legal Services Center by Harvard Law and Harvard Legal Aide Bureau Attorneys who are freedom fighters for the rights of the people.
Featured guest including Attorneys Rebecca Greening from LSC and Jacob Chin from Harvard Legal Aid Bureau and more... Following the training we will have a support group for people that have been impacted by the harmful family regulation system in place including family and probate courts.
Hosted by the executive Director of Family Matters 1st Tatiana Rodriguez Former foster youth in DCF/Parent involved (Department of Children and Families) community led organization fighting to interrupt the end the oppresive system through empowerment, education, advocacy, support and direct legislation.
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Please watch a project we are a part of that will soon be airing on PBS. Also consider donating or sharing so that we are able to spread more awareness surrounding systematic issues going on here in Massachusetts Child Welfare system.
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